04 September 2007

Contour of Science Building

I loved it when I was looking at the real thing...


Megan Schwarz said...

I Love this one! when I did mine i tended to do very crooked lines and lots of random lines, so i like how you just drew what you saw.

Lauren Foster said...

All of your drawings are very good. I especially like this one because it looks just like the science building. Mine looked nothing like it. Great job!

leah petriccione said...

i like this a lot! the big thing i noticed is that you may have forgotten a line connecting the roof? other than that, i love how the tree overlaps, and the way you did the sides of the building.

Kurt Huizenga said...

That roofline is tricky, I recall getting hung up on that myself. The stacks on the second drawing are great! They really fill out the building and ground the whole drawing. Continue to kick ass!